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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Why Doesn’t Anyone Talk About How Amazing Tweens Are Today?

It seems like when people talk about the younger generation, they only have negative things to say.  I'm an active volunteer with several youth organizations, and I can say that these kids are pretty awesome.  They have opportunities that my generation never had.  They literally have the entire world's knowledge in their pockets.  The kids that I work with are polite, well read, and a lot of fun to be around.  I may be a little biased, but I think my tween son is pretty awesome too.   Now he has a pretty awesome snack to keep him fueled all day, too.

Caleb is 10 now. His struggles in life started five weeks in to my pregnancy when I was told that we'd lost him.  Thankfully, several doctors and their ultrasounds were wrong.  I went in to preterm labor that was stopped with bedrest and medication.  We almost lost him during birth, too.  I thought we were safe once he was born, but he was hospitalized with RSV at four weeks old and had an apnea in the hospital.

I'd like to say the next few years were uneventful, but they weren't.  Although he didn't have any major medical problems, he was an active and ornery child.  He was the one who kept my on my toes by moving furniture, jumping from high places, and swinging from the ceiling fan.

When Caleb was eight-years-old, he was diagnosed with autism.

In the last two years, we've secured the support that he needs to lead a successful life.  Thanks to countless hours of therapy, his wonderful therapists, and a large support network, I have no doubts he will reach his goals in life.

Caleb wants to be an astronaut when he grows up.  While I'm not thrilled about sending my baby to space--even if my baby is over 18 by then--I do believe that he will reach his goal if he sets his mind to it.

One of the things that makes Caleb so amazing is his big heart.  He loves animals.  He has a Siamese mix cat named Chloe that he plays with and takes good care of.

While I still get to sneak in a few snuggles if I sit on couch in the evening, my baby boy is growing up.  He still plays with action figures and loves watching cartoons, but I see glimpses of a young man, especially when he's eating.

It's hard to believe that our days of sippy cups and carrying cups of snacks are over, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't need a snack to get him through the day.  I started buying him Yoplait Go Big.  They are the perfect size for a snack for a growing boy both at home and on the go.

He likes the rip and grip because it's easy for him to open without using scissors, and the pouch is easy to hold with one hand.  I like that I can get them at Walmart in the yogurt section on my weekly shopping trip.  I also love that they don't have high fructose corn syrup or colors from artificial sources.

Go Big challenged me to write a letter to my tween.  Here's an excerpt from my letter.

Dear Caleb,
You've been a fighter since day 1.  You fought to stay alive, and now you fight to fit in in a world that doesn't make sense.  You're determined, and you never give up.  You have a unique journey to trek before you become an adult, but I'll be beside you every step of the way.

Do you have an amazing tween?  Tell me about him or her in the comments and be sure to visit Yoplait Go Big for more inforatation!