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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Air Fryer Yorkshire Pudding Recipe

Learn how to make Yorkshire pudding in an air fryer.  This is an easy way to cook it, and it tastes delicious!

Air Fryer Yorkshire Pudding Recipe

Yorkshire pudding is a traditional British dish, steeped in tradition and adored for its light, airy texture. 

Originally a humble accompaniment to roast beef, this dish has evolved into a versatile treat that can be enjoyed in various forms. 

For more air fryer recipes, try these posts:

Why Use an Air Fryer? The Benefits of Modern Cooking Methods

The air fryer has revolutionized home cooking by offering a convenient and healthier way to achieve crispy, delicious results. When it comes to making Yorkshire puddings, the air fryer provides several advantages. 

  • It preheats quickly and evenly distributes heat, ensuring consistent cooking. 
  • The high-speed air circulation creates a perfectly crispy exterior without the need for excessive oil. This method also reduces cooking time, making it an efficient option for busy cooks. 
  • Using an air fryer is more energy-efficient than traditional ovens, making it an environmentally friendly choice. 

A Brief History of Yorkshire Pudding

Yorkshire pudding has a rich history that dates back to the 18th century. It was initially known as "dripping pudding," because it was made with drippings from roasting meat.   

The dish was designed to be a frugal way to make use of every part of the meal. Over time, it became a beloved part of British cuisine, particularly in the Yorkshire region. 

Traditionally, it was served as a first course to fill diners up before the more expensive meat course. Today, Yorkshire pudding is a versatile dish enjoyed worldwide, often paired with a variety of meats, gravies, and even sweet toppings.

Traditional Yorkshire Pudding vs. Air Fryer Version

The traditional method of making Yorkshire pudding involves pouring batter into a hot, greased pan and baking it in a conventional oven. The air fryer version, however, introduces a modern twist to this classic recipe. 

While the ingredients and basic instructions remain the same, the cooking process differs a little bit. Air fryers cook the batter faster and at a higher intensity, resulting in a slightly different texture. 

The air fryer version tends to have a crisper exterior and a more uniform puff. Additionally, the air fryer method is more energy-efficient and requires less oil, making it a healthier alternative.

Either way you make it, this is the best Yorkshire pudding recipe to serve your family for dinner.

The Science Behind the Puff: How Yorkshire Puddings Rise

The iconic puff of Yorkshire pudding is a result of steam and air expansion. When the batter, rich in eggs and liquid, is exposed to high heat, the moisture rapidly converts to steam. 

This steam, trapped within the batter, causes it to rise dramatically, creating a light and airy structure. The eggs provide stability, while the flour sets the structure as the puddings cook. 

The key to a perfect rise is a hot cooking environment, which is why preheating the air fryer or oven is crucial. The quick transition from liquid to steam is what gives Yorkshire puddings their characteristic hollow center and crispy exterior.

Ingredients for the Best Yorkshire Pudding Recipe

The beauty of Yorkshire pudding lies in its simplicity, requiring only a handful of staple ingredients.

  • Flour, preferably all-purpose, forms the base of the batter. 
  • Eggs are crucial for providing structure and richness. 
  • Milk, often whole milk for added creaminess, hydrates the flour and helps achieve the desired batter consistency. 
  • A small amount of oil, such as vegetable or sunflower oil, is needed to grease the cooking tray and ensure a crispy finish. 

These basic ingredients come together to create a batter that, with the right technique, transforms into a delightful puffed delicacy.

Mixing Techniques: How to Achieve a Smooth, Lump-Free Batter

Getting a smooth, lump-free batter is essential for learning how to make Yorkshire pudding. Begin by whisking the eggs and milk together until well combined. 

Then gradually add the flour, whisking continuously. It's best to add the flour in batches, which helps prevent lumps from forming. 

You can whisk the batter by hand or using an electric mixer on a low setting. The goal is to create a batter that is silky and consistent.  Be careful not to overmix, however, because that can lead to a dense pudding. 

Once mixed, the batter should be allowed to rest, which helps relax the gluten and results in a lighter texture.

Letting the Batter Rest

Resting the batter is a crucial step in learning how to make Yorkshire pudding. Letting the batter rest for at least 30 minutes, or even up to an hour, lets the flour fully hydrate and the gluten relax. 

This resting period helps the puddings achieve a more tender texture and better rise. It also gives the starches time to absorb the liquid, resulting in a smoother batter. 

During the rest time, cover the batter and let it sit at room temperature. 

Preheating the Air Fryer

Preheating the air fryer is an essential step in making air fryer Yorkshire pudding with a crisp, golden exterior. Just as with a traditional oven, the air fryer must be hot before the batter is added. 

Preheat the air fryer to 400°F (200°C) for about 5 minutes. This high temperature is critical for creating the immediate burst of steam that causes the batter to rise. 

Without proper preheating, the puddings may turn out flat and dense. The hot environment also helps the puddings develop a beautiful golden-brown color, adding to their visual appeal.

Air Fryer Yorkshire Pudding Ingredients

Prep time: 5 minutes

Rest time: 30 minutes

Cook time: 12 minutes

Yields 4

  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

How to Make Yorkshire Pudding From Scratch

Step #1

Combine the flour and salt in a large mixing bowl.

Step #2

Add the egg and a splash of milk.  Whisk to break the yolk of the egg.

Step #3

Slowly add the rest of the milk while whisking.  Whisk until the batter is smooth.

Step #4

Set the batter aside to rest for 30 minutes.

Step #5

Five minutes before you want to cook the pudding, spray the inside of 4 oven safe ramekins with cooking spray or oil.  Place in the air fryer and preheat to 380 degrees F.  Preheat for 5 minutes.

Step #6

After the 5 minute preheat, whisk the batter and pour into the ramekins.  Fill them half full.

Step #7

Cook for 8 minutes.  Then use tongs to gently flip them and cook for an additional 3 to 5 minutes.  

Use tongs to feel them after 3 minutes.  They should feel light.  If they are heavy, cook for an additional 2 minutes.

Serve these air fryer popovers fresh with a roast.  Add some brown gravy to complement the flavors.

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